Kimberly E. Casteline Ph.D.
We think a lot about teams at Gather-ed.
What makes them work well?
Who makes the best team leaders?
What’s the best team composition?
We are always speaking with Group Leaders about ways to ensure that Gather-ed teams provide exemplary small-group learning experiences to healthcare professionals around the world.
A key component of this goal is enabling teams working on the Gather-ed platform to experience high “social sensitivity.” What that means is that the group provides a space where members can speak up without fear of embarrassment, rejection or punishment. In fact, a study done at Google found that although talent, skills, and experience are certainly important, what the most effective teams have in common is high social sensitivity.
This sense of psychological safety is germane to a productive team and a healthy learning environment. At Gather-ed we enable that in several ways. First of all we collaborate with Group Leaders that recognize the value of and encourage the contributions from everyone in the group. A typical Gather-ed group will consist of members of different professions, specialties and levels of experience, all of whom have something to contribute. We give them the space and opportunity to do so.
Secondly, the structure of the Gather-ed experiences allows multiple opportunities for open, non-judgemental sharing. Curricula feature group challenges and group discussions that everyone both participates in and learns from with the guidance of the Group Leader.
And thirdly, Gather-ed creates effective learning communities through the clear acknowledgement of shared goals. Everyone in the group wants to learn and to help others learn in order to effect improved patient outcomes.
Overwhelmingly our Group Leaders and group members say that they would participate in another Gather-ed group and would recommend the experience to others. We support team-based education and we are proud of the results! In essence, Gather-ed groups are where health professionals can strengthen their networks and enhance their knowledge in a supportive environment.