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Partnering for Success

HealthCourse serves as a “go-to” collaborator and educational strategist for a wide variety of healthcare organizations and companies. Through highly focused partnerships, we immerse ourselves in the unique challenges of each of our clients and provide them with the right set of tools and support necessary to exceed their goals.


The HealthCourse platforms provide the tools to build programs grounded in adult learning principles and with a long-standing track record of participant engagement.  Assessment tools are seamlessly integrated into all programs to generate meaningful outcomes analysis. Our award-winning research team utilizes the most advanced quantitative and qualitative analytic tools to characterize the effectiveness of initiatives and their impact on clinical behavior, including detailed cohort analysis to identify trends by participant demographic profiles.

HealthCourse provides value through our instructional design capabilities, innovative assessment approaches, and the breadth of educational and training programs that can be developed on our platforms.

Take Your Health Professional
Programs to the Next Step