The Most Effective Teams

The Most Effective Teams

Kimberly E. Casteline Ph.D. We think a lot about teams at Gather-ed. What makes them work well?  Who makes the best team leaders?  What’s the best team composition?  We are always speaking with Group Leaders about ways to ensure that Gather-ed teams...
The Power of Connections

The Power of Connections

Kimberly Casteline, Ph.D. As a Gather-ed group facilitator, I have the pleasure of interacting day-to-day with amazing clinicians as they collaborate and learn together on our platform. Working to design and implement learning opportunities that are concise, engaging,...
The Most Effective Teams

The Art of Active Listening

Kimberly Casteline, Ph.D. Research shows that the average person listens at only 25% efficiency, yet studies also show that most people think that they are above average listeners. Clearly, the majority of us need to hear a reality check when it comes to our...